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Sanje for publishers


Sanje rights list includes many of the finest Slovene writers and poets as well as children's authors, including bestselling Vladimir Bartol, Frane Milčinski - Ježek, Svetlana Makarovič, Karel Gržan, Alma Karlin and many others. Sanje also represents international authors, among them Widad Tamimi, authoress of Palestinian and Jewish roots, and a British philosopher Peter Wilberg, who is undoubtedly one of the most lucid, if underappreciated, thinkers of our time.

Full list of authors and their works will be presented soon at

Sanje's rights catalogues - fiction, children books and non-fiction
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Sanje's rights catalogues by four incredible authors: Vladimir Bartol, Peter Wilberg, Alma Karlin and Frane Milčinski Ježek
Click on the chosen picture to browse through the catalogue.


Have a look at some of the works we represent.
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