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Звёздочка Засоня
Звёздочка Засоня

Звёздочка Засоня

Author: Frane Milčinski - Ježek Publisher: Sanje Language: Russian

Suddenly, it all becomes clear. This is why everything on Earth is upside down. This must be the reason why the children weep because they cannot sleep, why the sailors cannot find their way and why the poet is searching for a rhyme to the word friend in vain. A star was missing in the sky.

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    Starting out as a hugely successful radio play in 1952 (still one of the most popular children’s audiobooks), continuing as a puppet show (translated into several languages and staged throughout then Yugoslavia, in Russia, Poland, Germany, the Czech republic, Switzerland, Italy, even Chile and Canada), the legendary Little Sleepy Star finally appeared in book form in 1993 with illustrations by Gorazd Vahen.

    When night falls, the stars go to work, showing the way to travellers, inspiring poets… Except for the Little Sleepy Star who is always late. But the absence of a star in the sky causes strange things to happen on Earth… In order to punish her and teach her responsibility, Uncle Moon sends her to Earth.

    Before she can return to the sky, she will have to experience the difficulties of life down here, learn that nothing is to be had without money and teach a terrible brigand with a stone instead of a heart to spell the word “dear” so he can write to his mother.

    As all good fairy tales do, Little Sleepy Star gives direct but unintrusive lessons on values such as responsibility, love and acceptance. The poetry and warm humour suffusing the text have bewitched generations of Slovenian children for over half a century.


    The artwork of the fairy tale published by Sanje comprises 22 double-page and several smaller illustrations, all by Gorazd Vahn.

    The book has been published in several translations.

    Little Sleepy Star (in Slovenian: Zvezdica Zaspanka) is the first Slovenian radio play for children. It was written by Frane Milčinski - Ježek and won the Levstik Prize in 1952. Zvezdica Zaspanka is one of the most popular children's characters and fairy tales in Slovenia.

    Little Sleepy Star has fallen asleep again and did not make it to the sky in time. That's why strange things start happening on Earth. Godfather Moon gets upset and sends her to Earth as punishment. But there is the terrible bandit Ceferin, who has a stone for a heart ...

    Medijski odzivi

    "My literary child, Zvezdica Zaspanka, did what so many children do when they grow up: she ran away from home. It was performed in all the puppet theatres of Yugoslavia, and in Russia, where it was also published in the Almanac of the Best Puppet Plays, then in Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Trieste, and in Chile and Canada. I hope that my Little Sleepy Little Star, on her way around the world, gives joy to the children wherever she goes, because I love all the children of this world as if they were my own."
    - Frane Milčinski - Ježek

    Inspired by Ježek, Vahen created one of the most endearing characters known in children's literature.

    "Gorazd Vahen has enriched this story with warmth and love through his beautiful illustrations."
    - Natalija Mljač, Slovene News

    "Little Sleepy Star used to be naive, today she is more determined."
    - Saša Bojc, Delo

    More Information
    Issue date 12/10/2020
    Sanjska cena 12.95
    Format 210 x 280 mm
    Scope 48 strani
    ISBN 9789612745400
    Editor Rok Zavrtanik
    Collection JEŽEK
    Publisher Sanje
    Language Russian

    If you wish and if you are not afraid and if you are sure it will not make you feel dizzy, do come with me up into the sky …

    Frane Milčinski - Ježek

    Frane Milčinski - Ježek

    Frane Milčinski - Ježek (1914-88), actor, director, author of screen and radio plays (co-screenwriter of Kekec, which received the Golden Lion in the Children’s Film category at the Venice Film Festival in 1952), singer, poet and writer, was one of the most prominent media personalities in Slovenia and without a doubt Slovenia’s greatest humorist and satirist.

    He received numerous awards for his work, including the Prešeren award (the most prestigious Slovenian award for the arts) for lifetime achievements in 1975.

    Throughout his life, Ježek remained a man of and for the people. He was convinced that comedians are not the kind of people who have anpartment on Mount Olympus, a weekend cottage on Parnassus, or the other way round: our place is at the foot of the slope, where ordinary people are grinding their way through the pressures of everyday life. We are not ashamed to be down here, nor to be comedians; on the contrary, as Shakespeare had it, we are proud to be soldiers.

    In spite of Ježek’s great popularity, his work has become widely available only in the last ten years, with the release of CDs, audiobooks and books of his short stories, poems and children’s stories by Sanje.

    See other works
    Frane Milčinski - Ježek

    Frane Milčinski - Ježek

    Frane Milčinski - Ježek (1914-88), actor, director, author of screen and radio plays (co-screenwriter of Kekec, which received the Golden Lion in the Children’s Film category at the Venice Film Festival in 1952), singer, poet and writer, was one of the most prominent media personalities in Slovenia and without a doubt Slovenia’s greatest humorist and satirist.

    He received numerous awards for his work, including the Prešeren award (the most prestigious Slovenian award for the arts) for lifetime achievements in 1975.

    Throughout his life, Ježek remained a man of and for the people. He was convinced that comedians are not the kind of people who have anpartment on Mount Olympus, a weekend cottage on Parnassus, or the other way round: our place is at the foot of the slope, where ordinary people are grinding their way through the pressures of everyday life. We are not ashamed to be down here, nor to be comedians; on the contrary, as Shakespeare had it, we are proud to be soldiers.

    In spite of Ježek’s great popularity, his work has become widely available only in the last ten years, with the release of CDs, audiobooks and books of his short stories, poems and children’s stories by Sanje.

    See other works
    Frane Milčinski - Ježek

    Frane Milčinski - Ježek

    Curriculum vitae



    14. decembra v Ljubljani se Frane Milčinski rodi kot tretji otrok materi Mariji in očetu Franu Milčinskemu, mladinskemu sodniku in pisatelju.

    Že v zgodnji mladosti je v stiku z gledališčem.

    Obiskuje državno gimnazijo. Kmalu po maturi prične z javnimi nastopi (predvsem kot zabavnimi večeri).

    Vpiše študij prava in slavistike, vendar ga kasneje opusti.



    Prvič nastopi na radiu v tandemu Jožek in Ježek.

    Sodeluje s teatrom Grebanciaši, Zagreb.

    Sodeluje s teatrom Toti teater, Maribor.

    Sodeluje s Šentjakobskim gledališčem, Ljubljana. Sodeluje pri Totem listu, Maribor.



    V Drami dobi angažma kot igralec.



    Maja je v Ljubljani zadnja predstava Totega teatra v času okupacije.

    Junija ga Italijani aretirajo zaradi izjave, da v vojni ne bodo zmagali ne Italijani ne Nemci. V Bellunu v italijanskih Dolomitih odsluži enoletno kazen, kjer zaradi slabih pogojev hudo zboli.



    Sodeluje v Drami in Operi.

    V humorističnem časopisu Bodeča neža, ki ilegalno izhaja v Ljubljani, objavlja pesmi.




    Njegove pesmi so prepevali na partizanskih kulturnih prireditvah (Vesela gledališča).



    19. avgusta se poroči z Jano Podkrajšek; zakonski par se odpravi na poročno potovanje na Rožnik. Tam si privoščita fižolovo solato in malinovec.

    V času vojne ga iz Drame premestijo v Opero, kjer sodeluje kot igralec in piše besedila (med drugim pesmi za Melodije srca).



    9. maja, na dan osvoboditve, nastopa na Radiu, kjer se tudi zaposli.

    V okviru Koncertne poslovalnice nastopa po različnih krajih Slovenije na glasbeno-literarnih večerih s skeči in pesmimi.

    Rodi se mu sin Matija.



    Urednik Pavlihe.



    Rodi se mu sin Matevž.



    Pri Pavlihi izide 13 in ena humoreska.



    Nastane Zvezdica Zaspanka – prva slovenska radijska igra za otroke.

    Scenarij za mladinski film Kekec (v sodelovanju z Galetom), vloga Kosobrina.

    Napiše pesmi za film Ne čakaj na maj, vloga v filmu Vesna.



    Zvezdica Zaspanka – predelana za lutkovno igrico (kasneje prevedena v več tujih jezikov in doživi več mednarodnih uprizoritev – Švica, Nemčija, Bolgarija, Sovjetska zveza, ZDA, druge republike tedanje Jugoslavije).



    Avtorstvo in režija prve slovenske radijske igre za odrasle Strme stopnice.



    Radijska igra Dobri stari pianino, scenarij za film Dobri stari pianino, glavna vloga.



    Prične se sodelovanje s Televizijo; sodeluje pri prvih snemanjih, avtor skečev in zabavnih večerov.



    Proslavo 25-letnice Ježkovega dela v Slovenski filharmoniji prenaša televizija.



    Zvezdica Zaspanka v knjižni obliki.



    Cikel oddaj Televizija v šoli.



    Televizijske serije zabavnih oddaj: Mision dobre volje; Viktor, luč! in Novoletne oddaje.



    Na pobudo Julke Vahen v sodelovanju z Mariom Rijavcem posname songe, ki kasneje postanejo pojem za to vrsto umetnosti v Sloveniji; posnetki dvajset let kasneje izidejo na plošči in kaseti Balada o koščku kruha (starejši posnetki teh pesmi so izgubljeni).



    27. februarja umre v Ljubljani.


    Knjižne objave in zvočni zapisi


    13 in ena, humoreske. Umetniška zadruga z. o. j.  Ljubljana 1951.

    Zvezdica Zaspanka. Mladinska knjiga. Ljubljana 1959 (igra), 1992, 1995 (slikanica).

    Zvezdica Zaspanka. Ilustracije Mojca Cerjak. Mladinska knjiga. Ljubljana 1995 (slikanica).

    Zvezdica Zaspanka, Pet Pepelk, Gledališče živalskega vrta. Mladinska knjiga. Ljubljana 1994 (igra).

    Moj narobe svet. RTV Ljubljana 1978 (kaseta).

    Moj narobe svet. Sodobnost XXVI/4 (1988), str. 341–346 (pesmi).

    Ta svet je pesmi vreden. Feniks. Ljubljana 1988, 1989.

    Balada o koščku kruha. M’zin, Kif Kif. Ljubljana 1994 (kaseti, zgoščenka).

    Balada o koščku kruha. Založba Sanje,. Ljubljana 2004 (glasbeni album, novi posnetki)

    Preprosta ljubezen. Založba Sanje. Ljubljana 1997 (pesmi).

    Humoreske. Založba Sanje. Ljubljana 1998 (knjiga).

    Humoreske. Založba Sanje. Ljubljana 1998 (zvočni kaseti).

    13 + 8. Založba Sanje. Ljubljana 1999 (žepna knjiga).

    Ježek pripoveduje. Založba Sanje. Ljubljana 1999 (zvočna kaseta).

    Sreča stanuje v sedmem nadstropju. Založba Sanje. Ljubljana 1999.

    Cinca Marinca. Založba Sanje. Ljubljana 1999 (glasbeni album).

    Zvezdica Zaspanka (neskrajšana izdaja). Ilustracije Gorazd Vahen. Založba Sanje. Ljubljana 2004 (slikanica).

    Zvezdica Zaspanka (skrajšana izdaja). Ilustracije Gorazd Vahen. Založba Sanje. Ljubljana 2004 (slikanica).

    Twinkle Sleepyhead. Ilustracije Gorazd Vahen, prevod Sunčan Patrick Stone. Založba Sanje. Ljubljana 2004 (slikanica).


    Nagrade in priznanja



    Film Kekec prejme zlatega leva, glavno nagrado za mladinski film na Beneškem filmskem festivalu.

    Kitajska mu podeli posebno priznanje za vlogo Kosobrina v Kekcu.



    Levstikova nagrada za Zvezdico Zaspanko



    Odlikovanje z redom srebrni žarki



    Jugoslovansko priznanje za mladinsko literaturo mlado pokolenje



    Nagrada Janeza Kranjca, podeljuje Pavliha

    Nagrada za tekst na Slovenski popevki za besedilo Zakaj?

    Priznanje občinstva za besedilo Uspavanka za mrtve vagabunde Red dela z rdečo zastavo



    Priznanje Radia Ljubljana

    Prešernova nagrada za življenjsko delo



    Nagrada občinstva za besedilo pesmi Pismo za Mary Brown

    Nagrada mednarodne žirije za pesem Ko gre tvoja pot od tod



    Priznanje ob 50-letnici Radia in 20-letnici TV



    Viktor, podeljuje revija Stop



    7D – Zlati ekran, podeljuje revija 7D

    See other works