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Tomaž Mastnak: Eurofascism

Tomaž Mastnak: Eurofascism

October 14, 2023 11 min read

Europe or NATO - there is no longer any difference between the two - is at war against Russia. So said the German Foreign Minister. The Slovenian Foreign Minister follows suit. She, too, has declared that "we are at war". The more incompetent and, apparently, stupid among the Eurocratic politicians are revealing the truth that their more experienced and cunning colleagues are not saying. At least that German chick can jump on a trampoline, I suppose. And even then, some people can say that she is a 'failed gymnast.' I do not know what qualifications Mrs Fajon has for the job. What have we done that we have to have her as Foreign Minister?


Some people think that this kind of talk about war is frivolous. It is not. It is extremely serious and highly irresponsible. Every time we make such a statement, we  slide deeper into war. When, if this goes on, they start sending our soldiers to the Eastern Front again, just as another empire sent our grandfathers and great-grandfathers to Galicia and the Third Reich sent forced mobilisers, we will be able to thank Tanja Fajon and Robert Golob for supporting her. These people are driving us straight into disaster.


The difference between the First World War and the Third World War that is breaking out is that the Austro-Hungarian Empire fought on its own territory, while the empire waging war in Ukraine today has no ties to these places. The war is being fought on foreign territory by foreign military forces. There is also the difference that we were an Austrian province then, and today, we pretend to be an independent state. But since we have had this country, our political elites have been selling it off ,dismantling it and subordinating it to foreign interests. With each new government, we are subject to foreign power centres and globalist forces more and more. The current one is the most extremist in this respect. It is pushing a globalist agenda with both hands, without any restraint, or any thought about what it means and what it brings us, and it has its own 'civil society' to support it. These are globalist fundamentalists. Mrs Fajon has afforded herself an expensive trip to Davos to declare that the interests of the globalist world order are above our national interests. We are paying her to work against us.



The Slovenian Government is, of course, just a cog without its motive power in the European power machine. It has entered a self-destructive phase. When Europe wages this war, it is, in fact, at war against itself. Firstly, because Ukraine and Russia are part of Europe, and secondly, and more importantly, because this war is against its most fundamental, existential interests. It is allowing itself to be destroyed, and it is destroying itself. It is being destroyed by the US, and it is being self-destructed by the Eurocrats, by the political elite of the European Union.


As early as last February, the economist Michael Hudson made it clear that the problem for US strategists was not the Russian or Chinese threat to Europe but the absence of such a threat. The threat had to be created in order to bind Europe more tightly to itself: to forgo mutually beneficial economic relations with Russia and China and be forced into dependence on imports of more expensive goods from the US to maintain the need for the existence of NATO and to secure and accelerate the sale of US arms and military equipment to so-called allies.


According to official doctrine, the US must not allow a rival to emerge to its leading political-economic role worldwide, even if that rival is one of its allies. The weaker US political power and the less economically competitive the US is, the stronger its tendency to eliminate those it sees as rivals and to subjugate its allies. The European Union became competitive, its economic engine was Germany, and the German economy relied on imports of low-cost Russian energy products. That is why the US opposed the construction and then the use of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from the outset. The sanctions against Russia, already imposed after the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, had the task of disrupting European economic cooperation with Russia. The plans to block Nord Stream 2 were intensified at least a year before the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, and the new sanctions, which also began to be drawn up several months before the Russian military intervention in Ukraine, were intended to isolate Europe even more.


Since the journalist Seymour Hersh recently published his research into the terrorist attack on the Nord Stream, we have known that the US was preparing this attack as early as the end of 2021, at least two months before the Russian military intervention in Ukraine. All they needed was a casus belli, a pretext to start a war. They have been preparing for war since the coup d'état in Ukraine in 2014 and have involved European countries and NATO members in the preparations. However, the unprovoked aggression of the West against Russia has been dragging on and escalating since the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union.


The US and its European enablers have provoked a war against Russia to weaken China's most important ally. This war was conceived as a stepping stone towards a confrontation with China, which the Americans see as their main rival. They decided to do so because they were more or less correct in their assessment of Russia's natural wealth, which they want to seize, and utterly wrong in their assessment of Russia's political cohesion, economic strength, and military power. This is Sun Tzu turned upside down. Suppose Sun Tzu advised the wise warlord to ensure victory before going into battle. In that case, the so-called collective West, through its contemptuous ignorance of the enemy and overestimation of itself, has lost the war before going into battle.


But the war against Russia was also a war against Europe and, in particular, against Germany. The destruction of the European economy, the disintegration of European politics, and the degeneration of European culture are not collateral damage of the war against Russia but one of the two main objectives of the war. Under the bloody spectacle of the fighting, to which Ukraine has contributed its territory and its war-capable population, a civil war is being waged in the collective West, a struggle without mercy within NATO. The American mining of the Nord Stream is de facto and de jure an act of war. The US has attacked perhaps its most important ally in Europe and dealt a death blow to the European economy.


Unprecedented war propaganda is blinding us to this aspect of the war. The demonisation of the Russians, of Russia and everything Russian, the demonic Russophobia that not only measures up to but also goes beyond the Nazi anti-Russian propaganda, ensures that we do not see the true face of evil, the face of real evil. We can be confused all the more easily because we ourselves are taking part in this war, because it is being waged by the Eurocratic elites, and because a large part of the population approves and supports it. It is tough to imagine that we are waging a war against ourselves. This defies what we call common sense or common sense. But it, too, is a victim of war and war propaganda.


It is a question of European political elites adopting and implementing American policy of promoting American interests. There is no consensus between American and European interests. They are opposed and even mutually exclusive. At the same time, there are common interests between the US globalist elites, the US-domiciled globalist elites, and the European globalist elites. The European globalist elites have common interests first among themselves, regardless of national origin, and then with the American globalist elites. There is a common class consciousness and solidarity between them, and they work cohesively. One and the other, and all together, are working against the vital interests of their own subordinate populations. European political elites are more radical. Eurocrats and Eurocratic women, such as the two foreign ministers mentioned at the beginning, not only have nothing in common with the people who elected them. They are no less at war on behalf of Europe than they are at war against it, against their own population, dragging it into war. They are elected traitors to national interests.


Not all of them are elected. The unelected, who are also formally accountable to no one but who are dependent on the forces that have put them in positions of power, bypassing the people and democratic procedures, have an ever-greater say. One such person, the President of the European Commission, who is demonstrably incompetent and corrupt, and who, like the German Foreign Minister, is a Nazi granddaughter, has unwittingly spoken the truth about the Ukrainian war. Perhaps it is not right to say 'unintentionally,' but most probably, what she actually said was not the intention of the message. She said: 'Ukraine has become the centre of our continent. It is the place where our values are preserved, our freedom defended, and the future of Europe is written."


Let us leave 'values' aside. They are spoken about by politicians who have nothing else to say - nothing that has anything to do with the needs, problems, and desires of a subjugated population. Their reference to values is a toxic fog to hide the fact that they have no legitimacy. Nor is there any point in defending "freedom" from abuse here. It is a dead word in their mouths and, worse, a murderous word. Let us ask ourselves in what sense Ukraine has become the 'centre of our continent' and what 'the future of Europe' is being written.


The Eurocrats and their American masters care little for Ukraine. They have sacrificed it cold-bloodedly, callously, ruthlessly, and cruelly to their political agenda and, increasingly, outright madness. Ukraine and the Ukrainian people are the biggest direct victims of the West's war against Russia in Ukraine. If these Westerners really cared about Ukraine, the war would not have happened, not the civil war in Ukraine and the eight-year shelling of the civilian population in the Donbas, and not the Russian military intervention. If they had cared about Ukraine after the war had already broken out, they would not have mined the Istanbul Peace Agreement. If they had cared about Ukraine, they would not have fomented war with political pressure, total propaganda, and military aid. Ukraine has become the 'centre' of Europe in the sense that it has become the central reference point of European politics and its propaganda. It has become a pretext for the accelerated imposition of the anti-human policies of the European elites, for their anti-democratic coup, for the concentration of power in their hands, for the subjection of the population to a state of emergency and the suspension of rights, freedoms, and legality. 'Ukraine' is the mark of the beast which, as the book says, 'deceives the inhabitants of the earth' and by which its servants are identified.



We shall see what kind of future we have in Ukraine if we look at what is happening there. I am not referring here so much to the war itself as to the social and political changes that are taking place in a war situation, which the war makes possible, calls for forces.


The so-called democratisation that followed the collapse of socialism has, as elsewhere in Eastern Europe, led to the enthronement of a predatory oligarchy in Ukraine. This, in collaboration with the looters from the West, has so plundered the country that Ukraine, the first country in Europe in terms of natural wealth, has become the poorest country in Europe. The coup d'état was followed by a war, which only strengthened the negative tendencies.


Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe. There is probably more corruption, only at the supranational level in the institutions of the European Union. Key positions in the state apparatus, especially in the security bodies, have been taken by neo-Nazis, descendants, and successors of Nazi collaborators and war criminals during the Second World War. Their ideology, Banderism, has become the official ideology. The regime has banned opposition parties and persecutes and imprisons opposition politicians. It has also banned independent, opposition, and critical media. Journalists and other critics of the regime are being harassed, persecuted, blacklisted and even killed. He has abolished Russian and Hungarian as official languages, banishing them from public use. He has banned the Russian Orthodox Church. He has abolished workers' rights. He silenced peasants who protested against the mass theft and sale of arable land. Two years ago, a state audit concluded that five million hectares of state-owned agricultural land had simply 'disappeared.' The regime has adopted by-laws that allow foreigners to seize land, even though the constitution does not allow it. According to some estimates, large foreign corporations already own more than 16 million hectares of prime arable land. The regime has offered what is left of the national wealth for sale and privatisation on the New York Stock Exchange. Finally, it has put the future of Ukraine in the hands, that is to say, the claws of the Blackrock Corporation, the largest private investment fund in the world.



If anyone is looking for a dystopia, a negative utopia, it is here. It is happening in Ukraine. This is what the President of the European Commission calls 'the future of Europe,' our future. So what is this future? A country without rights and freedoms and the rule of law. A country ruled by armed, murderous autocracy. A country in which biological weapons are researched and produced without supervision. A country in which a large part of the population is declared subhuman and dehumanised. A country in which a radical depopulation is being carried out. A country where arable land is in the hands of foreign corporations, which abuse it for their genetically modified crops or extractivist interventions (such as 'fracking'), a country where the people are deprived of their food sovereignty. A country that has been completely surrendered to corporate speculative capital and placed under the dictates of distant technocratic elites. A country that is no longer a country. Such a state of affairs, where rights, freedoms, and laws no longer exist, where even the state no longer exists, and where corporations directly control the population, is, by definition, fascism. Since this is the future of Europe, for which we are at war, let us call it: Eurofascism.


Is that really our future? No, there is no future in this kind of future. Will we be able to find a way out of this radical evil, to gather the strength to resist and survive?


Contribution by Dr. Tomaž Mastnak  to the self-published newspaper KAŽIPOT